Friday, 29 November 2013

Late Late Toy Show

Ok, So if you've read my blog before you'll know I'm Irish. Born and bred here on the Emerald Isle.

And If you've have also had this experience, you'll know exactly what the title of this post means.

For those not in the know, The Late Late Show is a weekly chat show that airs on Ireland originally broadcasting channel and every year they do a special showing in which they transform the set into Santa Grotto and talk about and look at all the hottest toys, theres kids on, music, jokes and pretty much all around family fun. Its been on for decades and usually airs at the end of November/ start of December.

It really signs the start of the Christmas season for me and a lot of people in Ireland, the selection boxes are whipped and kids sit in front of the telly making up their letters to Santa full to the brig with Toy-spiration (See what I did there, hehe!)

It's a yearly tradition for me to watch it ever since I was little, though I may have traded the letter to Santa for a Late Late Toy Show drinking game but the tradition still stands!

Sadly though, this year I'm not at home to watch it. I'm up in the Capital City or The Big Smoke a.k.a Dublin, hanging out with my two best girls tonight. So a good trade of night I think.

So I'll have to wait another night to see Ryan Tubridy (The Show host) play with toys and give things away to audience members.

But, never fear I always have a back up, and the show set to record :)

Well my blogees, I better dash on this evening to make a poster to embarrass one of my friends with at the airport (More of that story to come!)

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