Well guys December is finally upon us, though the time has gone specially fast
I couldn't be more happy it is december. Because that means one thing... Christmas!
- Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
I love christmas! The lights, putting up the tree, the christmas festivals that abound the countryside and of course the fantastic food!
Feast your eyes on this spread...
- Yummy in my tummy!
That feast can only be topped by the spread my Step-Dad prepares on Christmas Day, with my Mum as Su Chief of course.
What isn't to love? And what could be better than seeing the delight on people’s faces opening gifts you've got them. I simply adore it.
Everyone just seems to be in a happier mood at this time of year.
But should you know any Grinchs out there, in desperate need of some Christmas cheer, then I’ve got the solution for you!
One sip of this sugar coma inducing goodness and Christmas cheer will be coming out of their ears!
I'll be back with more Christmas cheer, tips and treats all this month, so stay tuned.
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