So one thing you should know about me; I love live music, not DJs but people singing their lungs out or going mental on a guitar or something. Its a kind of funny thing about me seeing as I don't like night clubs in the slightest.
I've been to several concerts over the years, but Beyonce back in 2009...I think, remains one of the best, so when I heard Queen Bey was coming back to Dublin, there was only one option.
I got the tickets, counted the days on my calendar, gathered my Best friend K and off we went!
The night started off with my greasy fries and chocolate shakes, which after several weeks working hard in the gym, tasted pretty good! But, being fast food we got it & ate very quickly.
We arrived early to the concert grabbed out amazing seat and well we all know there is only one thing to do in moments of boredom in crowded places... 'Cousin It' impressions!

Pretty good right!
The concert was amazing, the dancers flipped and swaggered around in ways I could very imagine and Queen Bey did not disappoint! If you ever have the chance to see her live, GO!
3 words guys...Watch This Space.
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