Friday, 9 January 2015

Hey There 2015!

Hey there my lovelies,

Apologies for the long absence of posts, I took an extended Christmas break and only now with all my friends having flow back to across the world am I now back in work mode. 

While I got up to plenty over the Holidays it was mainly spent it with family and in my friends houses. While some, like K, love being on the bloggo others aren't that keen on it so I left the camera at home and just enjoyed the moments as they came. However while I left the bloggo alone for a while I did post like a trooper on my Instagram. Which you can find right here. 

As I may have mentioned previously I've just left a job and right now I'm waiting to start my new job at the end of this month. So I'm taking a break for this month, getting settled in my new house, enjoying being back with family, watching lots of movies and really taking some time to think about how I'd like the coming year to go and my new years resolutions. 

Im really happy with my New Years Resolutions, I don't normally make them honestly but I think these are just good things to have in mind for 2015 and activities I'm going to enjoy. 

Because of what I'm up to for this month and starting a new job I won't be posting at the frequency I once was. When I was at my top blogging form I was posting 3 times a week. But I noticed the quality of my posts slipping because I wanted the frequency, but I'd rather post even just once a week and having it be a great post than 3 only ok posts. I hope you guys think the same and so you don't miss a post, hope over to my twitter and Facebook pages to get updates and added goodies. 

Hoping you all had a happy and peaceful holiday season and heres to a kickass 2015!

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